Exactly what I was looking for. Great round based strategy game.
Exactly what I was looking for. Great round based strategy game.
Various units, formations, many maps, lots of fun.
I have played and enjoyed most of your games. This one is your best effort yet. An excellent game. I love the riflemen.
The culmination of what Hunted Cow has been doing for years. Easy to dive into but hard to master. Well worth the money.
Great fun turn style strategy game. I wonder if the hand to hand combat is a bit overpowered at times but once you get a hang of unit strength its fun game! Itd be great to see two player options controlling both sides or in a new game. These guys out out great stuff with great graphics!
Entertaining game with a good number of scenarios. Nice mix of "different looks" too. No stability issues.
A nicely made, straightforward, and enjoyable Napoleonic wargame, with lots of battles, each of which you can play in a half hour or so. I hope the do more of Napoleons campaigns outside of Spain!
I love it! With all the battles and units, its amazing!
Well, I have to say that the developers have listened to their customers... After the first civil war game, I suggested a Roman Legion, Greek Phalanx, and Napoleanic version. We have excellent versions of all of the above!! This version brings out the best of horse and cannon tactics. Bravo. Now, a maritime: sailing vessel, dreadnought, and WW2 Solomans series, please!
What a great game - keep it going with more Napoleonic battles and go for WW1 too!
Immersion: Combat, and to a lesser extent lets call it, time period because the game doesnt have a set story, just a series of events to play through. Difficulty: As with any strategy game there is a learning curve built in. Different units have different stats, and so forth to learn. The interface works well enough, and doesnt overly contribute. Lasting Appeal: Difficult to say, this is where the lack of a sense of progression lets the game down. Battles are discrete tactical puzzles, and while there is a sense of accomplishment in progressing to the next battle, it doesnt have an effect on a map or in a narrative. Its something the series is lacking, in my personal opinion. .
If you like their games, this one is an new twist with different and historically accurate tactical changes in how it works. It is fun to play with a wide variety of different battles requiring differing strategies. The automated intelligence of the opponent is a bit weak. Troops often leave strong defensive positions to attack or put themselves in poor positions.
This game of the Napoleonic era battles in Spain and Portugal is a lot of fun to play, but it has some serious flaws in its mechanics. For example, mounted cavalry can charge troops in buildings or go through one hex of woods to charge into another hex. When the designers get things like this fixed, the game will deserve a higher rating.
I enjoyed watching Sharpes series detailing the Portugal & Spainish campaigns. This is very similar except in hex form. Its very engaging, but their is a learning curve, especially knowing when to form squares or not.
We absolutely love these games. I, personally, have been a faithful follower and consumer since "Civil War 1863." We are always excited to see new hex/strategy releases from HC. Unfortunately, we will not be able to keep up with the large price increases, which is saddening. In fact, we almost feel screwed over. I have never complained about prices in the past, but a price hike of this size, for less content, is ridiculous, which prompts this review on the behalf of several purchasers. At least, with former games you could buy new campaigns for a buck or two at a time, which allowed you to play the game as you could afford it. The former pricing scheme was one of the things that made us such loyal customers. You could buy a little at a time. Moreover, the game was perfect for the former price. It was a great buy. Although awesome, its not worth $10, especially after the content slash, fewer battles which end quickly in many cases. We never thought wed say this, but, we feel betrayed as consumers. The games are wonderful....for $3.99, but not for $9.99; therefore, when the content or playing time increases two- or three-fold, or the price decreases to at least $4.99, we will unfortunately be unable to continue buying your products.
This is an interesting game set. Though not perfect, it does do well overall. To an old miniature game player, such as myself, this is a welcome addition and revision to an old game genre. History is difficult to reenact, with some game systems doing the job better than others. Some of the other reviewers were a bit harsh on the mechanics. However, when one considers the scale, some of the mechanics make more sense. Not all woods, especially those in Spain, are anything like the types of woods found elsewhere in Europe. The idea was more like an orchard with no undergrowth, which allowed vision and transit, even by artillery. All in all, this is a fine game.
Gives a nice feel for the Napoleonic battlefield. Formations are very important. Nice graphics and easy user interface.
Good interface and solid AI.
Hunted cow has a host of games in this genre. I have all of them and they are all entertaining in their own right. But this is my favorite. It is easy to learn and the campaigns are expansive. It is also challenging without being frustrating. I prefer it to their larger and more complex Gettysburg game for the iPad- although in fairness my old iPad is a bit overwhelmed by that one and it lags. I recommend all of their games in this field but this one is currently my favorite. I cant wait till the next of these games is released. If you like this game then you should also look at the Civil War lineup and Red Coats and Rebels. Gettysburg and Russian Front are considerably larger and have enormous single battles to control. I would probably appreciate them more if I had an upgraded platform to play them on.
Would like to see more like it. No issues with it. Work great on my 4S!